Thursday, November 18, 2010

Solar Fish Dryer (SFD) Training Programme

A 2 day residential training programme for 8 fishermen of the West Coast (Mudu Katuwa, Natthandiya) was conducted in Panama of East Coast on Solar Fish Drying using the Solar Fish Dryer effectively.

Mudu Katuwa fishemen learning about the SFD at Panama Village (East Cost)

The SFD in Panama was donated to the fishing community by Practical Action in 2006 and is still running in very good condition. Community members currently process fish drying using a green house at high quality. The fish is dried twice as fast as the traditional system of open drying. The enclosed conditions make fish drying more hygienic too. The dry fish products are highly demanded; even buyers from far distant places like Badulla regularly visit Panama village for quality dry fish.

The resource person Mr. Bandara briefing Mudu Katuwa fishermen about fish drying

Mudu Katuwa fishermen who obtained training at Panama, was impressed of hygienic way of fish drying technology and are considering to establish a SFD in their fishing village.

Practical training sessions conducted for fishermen

The estimated cost of SFD is about 130,000 LKR and it generates an IRR as 11% for medium fish and 51% for small fish with a pay back of 3 seasons at an assumed minimum profit margin of 50 LKR per kilogram of dry fish.

Of these financial assessments and feasibilities, the fishermen of Mudu Katuwa are convinced to establish an SFD in their village, however needs a financial backup by means of micro finance. Janathakshan has suggested them to look for a micro financing loan from the Regional Development Bank (RDB) or other development banks of Sri Lanka.

Fish is kept on the trays of the solar fish dryer for drying
Janathakshan is following this closely and plans to support Mudu Katuwa fishing village to implement SFD technology to enhance their living status towards sustainability.

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